Psst…Cheaper Flights for the First 4 in 2024

It’s always good to start the new year on a good note and do some charity. This time for pilots who always wanted a training flight in a fast jet.

The first 4 bookings made will be available at £1500 per training flight (25-30 mins airborne or 40-45 mins total for your loogbook) plus the CAA fee. You’ll fly from the left seat with one of our excellent instructors and get some memorable photos too.

Get in touch and if you are quick you can save and have great fun.

You can be a fast jet pilot (and pay less)

The Flight Club

Our Flight Club aircraft are capable of a wide range of speeds – from 140kt to 350kt – for formation flights and photoshoots.

Contact us to fly with us. The aircraft are available as camera ship (including open cockpit) and subjects of photo / video shoots.

Young Aviator Day

Young Aviator Day at Sywell was very busy. Andre Faehndrich, the organiser, says: “Initial numbers, yet to be confirmed: we flew 150 – 28 adults and 100 Scouts, 22 Non-Scouts, on a total of 122 flights on 19 aircraft flown by 22 pilots. We also carried out lots of STEM (Jet Provost and Scouts (extra badges, etc), Space Store, Static Aircraft and BGA flight simulator which was flat out all day!!). So all-in-all another terrific day. YA 2023 (17th Annual YA) is scheduled for Sat 09/09/23.”

Lots and lots of kids got to meet the T52 in person and lots of fun was had by all. The event was sponsored by AOPA and was a great success inspiring young people.

Many thanks to Viv Porteus for capturing the event to brilliantly.

Join Chocks Away Open day

Chocks Away cafe is celebrating its 10 years’ anniversary and we are there to partake in the festivities.

After a nice cuppa please feel free to visit us to have a close look at the unique aircraft and talk to the team. We hope to see you soon. We are always grateful to all our supporters and people who love the airfield and Chocks Away just like we do.

Keeping Pilots Current

Would you like to stay current and up to date with your fast jet flying skills?

Easy. We provide training using RAF based syllabus seamlessly adapted for civilian pilots.

Loops, rolls, barrel rolls, rolls of the top, Derry rolls, half cubans, horizontal eights etc are included. (Straight and level flight is also possible…)

Photography John Stiles


do I need a share to go solo? No.

do I need a pilot licence? Yes, a current ICAO licence (PPL (A) at least) is required.

is it expensive? Not really. About half of the cost of a Spitfire flight. You are in control, the flights are longer, the aircraft is completely authentic – including patched up bullet holes in the fuselage.

Save British Airports

We are looking for a new home for the only flying de Havilland Vampire in the UK due to the imminent Coventry airport closure
Finding a new home for a heritage jet in the UK is as “easy” as getting one airworthy. We are losing more airfields every year, mainly to housing / development, than we built in the last 50 years.

The reasons why it’s almost impossible are:

  1. Poor runways state or runways are not long enough
  2. Noise abatement / neighbour complaints concerns
  3. Extortionate costs
  4. Lack of hangarage
  5. Politics, etc.

If you know friendly airport owners or managers who would like to invite the Vampire please let us know. You won’t be forgotten!

Also, please write to your MP and ask to protect the British airfields.

Happy 2021!! – and Formation Training

It was a challenging year we are leaving behind. There has to be something to look forward to.

We are sincerely hoping that 2021 brings a lot of joys and achievements to all and once again we’ll live our lives to the full.

And – living a life to the full is never possible without learning formation flying!

It is a healthy cross between a 5-hour gym workout, an hour in a steam room and 15 mins of trying to keep close to something weighing a few tons and moving really really fast in from of your nose.

So, here is to the Bold & Brave New Year 2021!!!

Formation flight